Command and Conquer Levels Level Theme: Tankwars Level Number: 1 Level Name: Patton's vengence part 1 Created By: Choemaster Release Date: March 18, 1996 Map information: Medium (49x48), Coast of Samar-thia, a terrorist nation deadlocked in desert. Player: GDI, Level1 Difficulty: Difficult Background Information The 35th Tank Battalion, better known to the public as the Lion squadron, has been assigned to the hot zone near the middle east. Samar-thia is a nation where terrorist rule supreme. Hataris, the leading terrorist group, has asked the Brotherhood of NOD to aide their cause. Global Defence Initiative, better known as GDI, intel reports that Hataris may attack European nations with these new weapons. Currently, the 35th Battalion is engaged in battle near Europe. However, five Medium tanks have patrolled this area. GDI has agree to supplement the 35th with the new X-6 Mammoth tanks. The objective, secure the area by any means necessary. Since all of our forces are in combat, we can't send any reinforcements, but we believe that you can handle the situation. Current situation: 35th: 5 Medium Tanks, 2 Mammoth tanks NOD and Hataris: Large numbers of Buggies, Bikes, Artillery, Turrets, troop and Light, Flame, and Stealth tanks. We believe that they are not organized as of yet, so your job will be a bit easier. Tactical analysis: Use Mammoth tanks to punish the long range attackers, while penetrating the defences with the medium tanks. Weapons upgrade: If you have the newest CCEDIT, then use the patch provided. It will add a machine gun to your medium tanks. However, if you don't, you will have to make the adjustments yourself. For the experienced, you may wish to forgo this upgrade, but it is highly recommended. (BTW, all tanks are equipped with some form of short range weapons. This will kinda relate the tanks in the game to real world specs, but not really.) ============================================================================== Level Number: 2 Level Name: Patton's vengence part 2 Created By: Choemaster Release Date: March 18, 1996 Map information: Large (THE LARGEST!), Somewhere in the Alps, boardering a large lake of some sorts Player: GDI, Level2 Difficulty: Difficult Background info: We've captured one of the NOD informants amidst the Hataris. He has pointed out an area, where the NOD are preparing to create a base there. We suspect that the area is heavily guarded. The 35th Battalion is once again supplemented by GDI Mammoth Tanks. Also, the 58th battle group, Phoenix, has supplemented the 35th with Armored Personalle Transport (APC) and Hum-vees. Your mission is simple. Eliminate the NOD forces by any means. Intelligence Info: NODs: Lots more tanks (After all, there are more room in this map!!), bit more troops, turrets, some power plants, and two deadly secrets! GDI: 2 Mammoth, 8 Medium, 2 APC, 2 Humvee, and 10 Grenade Soldiers. Tactical Analysis: Don't worry about the APCs and Humvees. They are safe. However, you will be attacked as the mission starts. Your tanks will be surrounded by NOD light tanks continously (about 10-12 in all) Don't take too much damage, as it may have severe consequences later on in the mission. Locate the power plants first. Knock them out to disable the Oblisks of Light, or it will demolish your battalion in an instant. Turrets can be destoried by grenadiers, but give them lots of support. One problem with the NOD forces are after awhile, they become disorganized. Use that to your advantage. Remember to scour all area of the map! It's quite large. Of course, if all else fail, cheat cheat cheat!! Cheat patch is included in this mission pack, for those of you who may need a little help now and then. It requires the newest C&C. It gives all your vehicles the ablative armor (read-invulnerability) and genetically enhances your grenadiers (read-stronger and faster). Do be careful with the chem dudes. They hate the grenades. :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may NOT change the map, period. You may upload the maps anywhere you please. If this map becomes a part of the compilation, then please send me a copy of it, vial snail mail or E-Mail. Email for more info. C&C, COMMAND and CONQUER, GDI, NOT, and all other related items are registered trademark of WESTWOOD STUDIOS (C)1996. Worries, comments, complaints, praises, etc. all goes to: BTW, this is first of many in the TANK WAR Series. Multiplayer coming soon! CMStr@AOL.COM Looks familiar? Good. Otherwise, what are you doing here? Give them hell!